产品牌号 Product Code | 产品特点 Product Features | 典范应用 Typical Application | 手册下载 Data Download |
266 | 浸透快,毛羽少,强度高 | 管道,贮罐 Pipes and storage tanks |
产品牌号 Product Code | 产品特点 Product Features | 典范应用 Typical Application | 手册下载 Data Download |
162 | 浸透性适中 | 一连纠葛管道 Continuous filament wound pipes | |
162k | 浸透快 Fast wet-out | 一连纠葛管道 Continuous filament wound pipes | 162K |
162E | 与环氧树脂有优异的相容性,制 品机械强度高 Compatible with epoxy resin,high mechanical strength of composite products. | 一连纠葛管道 Continuous filament wound pipes |
产品牌号 Product Code | 产品特点 Product Features | 典范应用 Typical Application | 手册下载 Data Download |
306B | 断裂强度高、毛羽少,具有优异的耐化学侵蚀性 High fiber strength, low fuzz ,good acid and chemical resistance | 热塑性高压管道 TP high-pressure pipes | |
308 | 与环氧树脂有很好的相容性,适合高张力纠葛工艺, 管道制品爆破强度,疲劳性能优越 Compatible with epoxy resin, designed for filament winding under high tension, excellent bursting and fatigue properties of pipeline products | 石油高压的输油管道车载CNG气瓶 High pressure oil pipe,and CNG cylinders | |
308H | 与环氧树脂相容性好,适合高张力纠葛和胺固化系统, 管道制品机械性能、耐侵蚀性能及疲劳性能优异 Compatibility with epoxy resin, suitable for high tensionwinding and amine curing systems, excellent mechanical properties, corrosion resistance and fatigue properties of pipeline products | 石油高压管道和压力容器 High-pressure pipelines and pressure vessels | |
308S | 与环氧树脂相容性好,适合酸酐固化系统,浸透速率非?, 纠葛工艺性佳,管道制品机械性能、耐侵蚀性能及疲劳性能优异 Compatibility with epoxy resin, suitable for acid anhydride curing system, very fast penetration speed, good winding processability, excellent mechanical properties, corrosion resistance and fatigue properties of pipeline products | 石油高压管道和压力容器 High-pressure pipelines and pressure vessels | |
310S | 优异的电绝缘性能 Excellent electrical property | 空心绝缘管 Hollow composite insulator | 310S |
386T | 与树脂相容性好,低毛羽,使用工艺性能优异,制品机械强度高 Good compatibility with resin, low fuzz, excellent performance and high mechanical strength | 通俗玻璃钢管道及储罐 Ordinary frp pipes and tanks | |
386H | 浸透快、超低毛羽,耐老化性能优异, 使用工艺性能优异,制品机械强度高 Fast wet-out, ultra-low fuzz, excellent aging resistance, excellent performance and high mechanical strength | 耐通俗压力的玻璃钢输水及化工防腐管道和储罐 Pressure resistant FRP water pipes, chemical resistant pipes and storage tanks | |
产品牌号 Product Code | 产品特点 Product Features | 手册下载 Data Download |
P02 | 短切毡拉伸强度高,适用于手糊成型工艺生产面积较大的制品,树脂浸穿性好, 浸透速率快,气泡容易扫除,制品机械强度高,具备优异的耐酸侵蚀性能 High tensile strength, suitable for use in hand lay-up process to producelarge-area parts, good wet-through and fast wet-out in resins, rapid air lease, high mechanical strength of composite products, superior acid corrosion resistance | P02 |
产品牌号 Product Code | 产品特点 Product Features | 手册下载 Data Download |
622 | 适合欧洲离心浇注管道生产需求 浸透极快,吸树脂量很是低,制品机械强度高, Fast wet-out, extremely low resin absorbabiliy, high strength of composite products, designed for the European market | 622 |